13:45 13:55 Welcome address: Prof. Stephen Mobbs, Dir. of National
Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) 13:55 14:00
Introduction to meeting: Alan Blyth
14:00 15:20 Session 1 : Initiation of convection in southern England and
the Black Forest, Chair: Hans Volkert
14:00 14:20 The Convective Storm Initiation Project (CSIP): Progress towards
understanding convective initiation in the UK. Keith Browning, ICAS, University
of Leeds, UK Presentation
14:20 14:40 The Convective Orographically-Induced Precipitation
Study (COPS): Progress towards understanding convective initiation in complex
terrain. Volker Wulfmeyer, IPM, University of Hohenheim, Germany Presentation
14:40 15:00 Convection Initiation over Complex Terrain: Lessons
Learned from TRACT, VERTIKATOR, PRINCE, COPS and CSIP. Ulrich Corsmeier, IMK,
KIT, Germany Presentation
15:00 15:20 Radar Climatology of Convection Initiation and
Preliminary COPS/DOW Analyses. Tammy Weckwerth and James Wilson, EOL, NCAR, USA
15:20 16:30 Poster Session A:
A1 Comparison of two different approaches to the assimilation of radar derived
surface rain rate in a convective event. Pier Alberoni, et al. ARPA Servizio
Idro-Meteo-Clima, Italy
A2 Process studies of CI using COPS data overlays and integrated data sets.
Fumiko Aoshima et al., IPM, University of Hohenheim, Germany
A3 Update of recent activities in the DFG projects COPS-GRID and DPHASE
Verification. Hans-Stefan Bauer et al., IPM University of Hohenheim, Germany
A4 Response of the WRF model to boundary-layer forcing: a test case from the
COPS experiment. Ralph Burton et al., NCAS, University of Leeds, UK
A5 Modelling of two cloud formations observed during COPS. John Cardwell and Tom
Choularton, SAES, University of Manchester, UK
A6 Investigations of turbulence during the passage of a cold front as measured
by Doppler lidar during COPS. Jenny Davis et al., CESR, University of Salford,
UK Poster
A7 Validation of IASI-derived water vapour profiles using COPS data. Thomas
Deleporte et al., IPSL, LATMOS, France
A8 Reprocessing and Validation of GPS-derivedWater Vapor and Slant Delays for
COPS. Galina Dick et al., GFZ Potsdam, Germany Poster
A9 Lidar and Radar Measurements of the melting layer in the frame of the
Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study. Paolo Di Girolamo et
al., DIFA, University of Basilicata, Italy
A10 Observation of a Saharan dust outbreak on 1-2 August 2007: determination of
size and microphysical particle parameters. Paolo Di Girolamo et al., DIFA,
University of Basilicata, Italy
16:30 18:00 Session 2: Initiation of Convection, Chair: Keith Browning
16:30 16:45 Analysis of Convection Initiation Processes in Complex Terrain
with the Synergy of COPS Remote Sensing Data. Andreas Behrendt et al., IPM,
University of Hohenheim, Germany Presentation
16:45 17:00 Deep convection in an ensemble of mesoscale models: COPS IOP 8b.
Christian Barthlott et al., IMK, KIT, Germany. Presentation
17:00 17:15 The Black Forest storm of 15 July 2007: Numerical simulation and
sensitivity studies. Evelyne Richard et al., LA, University of Toulouse, France Presentation
17:15 17:30 Influence of tropopause-level disturbances on convection. Geraint
Vaughan, NCAS, University. of Manchester, UK Presentation
17:30 17:45 The primary initiation of deep convection from boundary-layer convection during CSIP. John Marsham et al., NCAS, University of Leeds, UK Presentation
17:45 18:00 Identification of convective hotspots in mountainous terrain.
Martin Hagen et al., IAP DLR - German Aerospace Centre, Germany Presentation
Tuesday, 27 October
09:00 10:30 Session 3: Initiation of Convection (cont), Chair: Stephen
09:00 09:15 Characterization of the life cycle of convection from
initiation to decay on the basis of case study from July, 15th 2007. Kersten
Schmidt, et al. IAP DLR - German Aerospace Centre, Germany Presentation
09:15 09:30 Comparison of WRF model results of convective showers over the
Black Forest on 12 August 2007 with observations made with the DoWs. Lindsay
Bennett et al., ICAS, University of Leeds, UK. Presentation
09:30 09:45 What is the real relationship between deep convection and large
scale PV anomalies? Andrew Russell, SAES and Geraint Vaughan, NCAS, University
of Manchester, UK Presentation
09:45 10:00 The impact of increased spatial data resolution on the detection
of the initiation of convection. Samiro Khodayar-Pardo et al., IMK, KIT, Germany Presentation
10:00 10:15 Driving Processes for Convection Initiation over Complex Terrain:
COPS Observations of 20 July 2007 and Respective COSMO-DE Simulations. Holger
Mahlke et al., IMK, KIT, Germany Presentation
10:15 10:30 Forecasting convective initiation over Alpine terrain by means of
automatic nowcasting and a high-resolution NWP model. Georg Pistotnik et al.,
Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG), Austria Presentation
10:30 11:30 Poster Session B:
B1 Use of integrated profiling techniques for studying cloudradiation
interactions. Kerstin Ebell et al., IGM University of Cologne, Germany Poster
B2 Near-ground free convection events in the valleys of the Black Forest
Mountains. Rafael Eigenmann et al., Dept. Micromet. University of Bayreuth,
Germany Poster
B3 Comparison of high-resolution rain gauge observations with radar
precipitation measurements. Niko Filipovic and Reinhold Steinacker, IMGW,
University of Vienna
B4 Towards a Re-Analysis for COPS. Klaus Stephan and Karolin Eichler, DWD German
Weather Service, Germany. Poster
B5 Initiation and development of ice and precipitation in orographic convective
clouds observed during COPS. Yahui Huang et al., ICAS, University of Leeds, UK
B6 Impact of the complexity of land-surface model on convective precipitation
forecasts. Bogumil Jakubiak et al., ICM University of Warsaw, Poland Poster
B7 Aerosol measurements from the Hornisgrinde ground-site and the BAE-146
aircraft during COPS. Hazel Jones et al., SAES, University of Manchester, UK
B8 Scale dependent evaluation of precipitation for special weather episodes of
COPS-8b,9 and 13. Ines Langer et al., IMet. Free University of Berlin, Germany
B9 Snap Shot of Wind Profiler Measurements During CSIP and COPS. Emily Norton,
et al., NCAS, University of Manchester, UK Poster
B10 Empirical radar rainfall data quality description for usage in the latent
heat nudging scheme. Andrea Rossa, et al., CMT, ARPA Veneto, Italy
11:30 11:45 The dependence of convection-related parameters on surface and
boundary layer conditions over complex terrain: results from the COPS
experiment. Norbert Kalthoff et al., IMK, KIT, Germany Presentation
11:45 12:00 Numerical Simulations of localized Boundary Layer Circulations
affecting the Measurements of the Energy Balance Network during COPS. Bjoern
Broetz and Rafael Eigenmann, IAP, University of Mainz; presented by Thomas Foken, University of Bayreuth Presentation
12:00 12:15 Turbulence structure within the convective boundary layer over
flat terrain detected by ground based Doppler Lidar and aircraft. Kathrin
Arnold, et al., IMK, KIT, Germany Presentation
12:15 12:30 Water Vapour Intercomparison Effort in the Frame of the
Convective and Orographically-Induced Precipitation Study: Airborneto-
Ground-based and airborne-to-airborne Lidar Systems. R. Bhawar, Paolo Di
Girolamo, et al., DIFA University of Basilicata, Italy Presentation
12:30 12:45 Water vapour distribution and convective activity: a COPS case
study. Jo΄el Van Baelen et al., LAMP Blaise Pascal University, France (canceled)
12:45 13:00 Developments in Radar Refractivity Retrieval. John Nicol, NCAS,
University of Reading, UK Presentation
14:00 15:00 Poster Session C:
C1 Observations from the CSIP automatic weather station network:
convection-triggered bore, IOP 03. Felicity Perry, et al., NCAS, University of
Leeds, UK
C2 Does large-scale layering explain the observed vertical structure of the
inflow into the Mesoscale Convective Structure in CSIP IOP3? Peter Rogberg et
al., ICAS, University of Leeds, UK
C3 Dynamic State Index and Precipitation during IOP-9c. Thomas Schartner, et
al., IMet. Free University of Berlin, Germany
C4 Detailed analysis of valley flows in complex terrain - A case study from the
COPS field experiment. Victoria Smith et al., ICAS, University of Leeds, UK Poster
C5 Predictability of convection in COPS: high-resolution ensemble forecasts from
the Unified Model. Kirsty Hanley et al., Dept. Met., University of Reading, UK Poster
C6 Synoptics in motion - Satellite loop for COPS analyses. Hans Volkert, IPA DLR
- German Aerospace Centre, Germany Poster
C7 Evaluation of precipitation forecasts in the COPS and D-PHASE domain. Tanja
Weusthoff, et al., FOMC MeteoSwiss, Switzerland
C8 Properties of a city plume within the convective boundary layer. Walburga
Wilms-Grabe et al., IMK, KIT, Germany
15:30 15:45 Towards improved quantitative precipitation estimation
with a local area X-band radar in the framework of COPS. Fr΄ed΄eric Tridon, et
al., LAMP, Blaise Pascal University, France Presentation
15:45 16:00 Ice crystals properties retrieval within ice and mixed-phase
clouds using the Doppler polarimetric radar TARA. Yann Dufournet et al., IRCTR
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Presentation
16:00 16:15 Predictability of precipitation determined by convectionpermitting
ensemble modelling. Christian Keil, IAP DLR - German Aerospace Centre, Germany
and George Craig, University of Munich, Germany Presentation
16:15 16:30 What we didnt learn about precipitation in CSIP. Alan Blyth et
al., NCAS, University of Leeds Presentation
16:30 18:00 The way forward from here
1. Summary of CSIP and COPS and progress towards CI and QPF
2. Outstanding issues / cases to be addressed with current data
3. Next CSIP and COPS projects
19:00 After-dinner talk: C3:
Convection crosses Channel, Prof. Hans Volkert, DLR, Germany Presentation
Wednesday, 28 October
09:00 10:15 Session 6 : Clouds and data Chair: Volker Wulfmeyer
09:00 09:15 CSIP IOP3: Observations of an elevated mesoscale
convective system. Keith Browning et al., ICAS, University of Leeds, UK Presentation
09:15 09:30 CSIP IOP3: Modelling of an elevated mesoscale convective system.
Bethan White et al., ICAS, University of Leeds, UK
09:30 09:45 Orographic effects on MCS frontal structure and development during
COPS IOP9c Victoria Smith, ICAS, University of Leeds, UK Presentation
09:45 10:00 Ground-based remote sensing of cloud-radiation interaction in the
Murg Valley during COPS. Christine Brandau and Hermann Russchenberg, IRCTR Delft
University of Technology, The Netherlands. Presentation
10:00 10:15 Towards an analysis ensemble by using the Joint D-PHASE COPS
observational data set. Manfred Dorninger et al., IMGW, University of Vienna,
Austria Presentation
10:45 12:00 Session 7 : Summary Session Chairs: Keith Browning and
Cyrille Flamant
1. Presentation of prizes.
2. Outcomes from Session 6.
3. Updates on papers for special QJ issue on COPS
4. Other business