Astrid Forneck
Dipl. Ing. sc. agr. Universität Hohenheim 1995
Dr. sc. agr.
Universität Hohenheim
Visiting Scholar University of California, Davis 1994 -1995
Doctoral Student University of California, Davis 1997-1999
Wiss. Angestellte 1999 - 2001
Wiss. Assistentin seit 2001
Universität Hohenheim
Institut für Sonderkulturen und
Fachgebiet Weinbau (370a)
70593 Stuttgart
Tel. 0711-459-2433
Email: aforneck@uni-hohenheim.de
- Genetische Grundlagen
der Klonalität
- Wirt- Parasit Interaktion
von Rebe und Reblaus
- Populationsgenetik von
- Forneck, Astrid, Walker,
M.A., Merkt, N. 1996: Aseptic dual culture of grapes (Vitis spp.) and
grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae FITCH). Vitis 35, 95-97.
- Forneck, Astrid, Merkt,
N., Blaich, R. 1998: A tripartite dual aseptic system for grapes (Vitis
spp.), grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae FITCH) and mites
(Tarsanemus spp.). Vitis 37, 95-96.
- Forneck, Astrid, Jin,
Y., Walker, A., Blaich, R. 1999: Karyotype studies on grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira
vitifoliae FITCH). Vitis 38, 123-125.
- Forneck, A., Walker,
M.A., Merkt, N. 1999: A review of aseptic dual culture techniques for grape
(Vitis spp.) and grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae
FITCH; Homoptera: Phylloxeridae. Int. Journal of Ecology and Environmental
Sciences. 25: 221-227.
- Forneck, A., Walker,
M.A., Blaich, R. 2000: Estimating the genetic diverstiy among European collections
of grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae FITCH) with AFLP-PCR
marker. Acta Horticulturae 528: 579-580.
- Forneck, A., Walker,
M.A., Blaich, R. 2000: Genetic Structure of an introducted pest, Grape phylloxera
(Daktulopshaira vitifoliae FITCH) in Europe. Genome 41: 669-678.
- Forneck, A., Walker,
M.A., Blaich, R. 2000: Monitoring genetic changes of an apomictic phylloxera
single founder lineage as it progresses towards amphimixis. Acta Horticulturae
528: 531.
- Forneck, A., Walker,
M.A., Blaich, R. 2001: Interaction of Phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae
Fitch) with Grape (Vitis spp.) in Simple Isolation Chambers. American
Journal of Viticulture and Enology 52(1) 28-34.
- Forneck, A., Walker,
M.A., Blaich, R. 2001: An in vitro assessment of Phylloxera (Daktulosphaira
vitifoliae Fitch) life cycle. Journal of applied Entomology 125: 443-447.
- Forneck, A., Walker,
M.A., Blaich, R. 2001: Ecological and genetic aspects of Grape Phylloxera's
(Daktulospahira vitifoliae Fitch) performance on rootstock hosts. Bull.
Ent. Res. (2001) 91, 445-451.
- Forneck, A, Kleinmann,
S., Blaich, R. 2002: Histochemistry and Anatomy of Phylloxera (Daktulosphaira
vitifoliae) induced galls (nodosities) on young roots of Grape vine (Vitis
spp). Vitis 41: 93-97.
- Forneck, A., Walker,
M.A., Schreiber, A., Blaich, R., Schumann, F. 2002: Genetic diversity in Vitis
vinifera ssp. sylvestris GMELIN from Europe, the Middle East and north
Africa. Subm.
- Forneck, A., Walker,
M.A.: 1995: Untersuchungen mit Reblausrassen in Kalifornien. Rebenzüchtertagung
Stuttgart 23.5.1995.
- Forneck, A., Merkt,
N., Walker, M.A. 1999: Aseptic dual culture of grape (Vitis spp.) and
grape phylloxera (Daktulopshaira vitifoliae FITCH). 5. Tagung der Dt.
Sektion der IAPTC (International Association for Plant Tissue Culture). Universität
Hohenheim, 10.-12 . 10. 1996
- Forneck, A., Walker,
M.A., Blaich, R. 1998: Phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae FITCH)
adaptation to new rootstock hosts. 49th Annual meeting of the American Society
of Enology and Viticulture (ASEV), 24.-26. 6.1998, Sacramento, USA.
- Forneck, A., Walker,
M.A., Blaich, R. 1998: Estimating the genetic diversity among European collections
of grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae FITCH) with AFLP-PCR
marker. VIIth International Symposium on Grapevine Genetics and Breeding,
6.-10.6.1998, Montpellier, France.
- Forneck, A., Walker,
M.A., Blaich, R. 1998: Monitoring genetic changes in an
apomictic phylloxera single founder lineage (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae
FITCH) as it progresses towards amphimixis. VIIth International Symposium
on Grapevine Genetics and Breeding, 6.-10.6.1998, Montpellier, France.
- Forneck, A., Walker,
M.A., Blaich R. 1998: Estimating the genetic diversity among European collections
of grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae FITCH) with AFLP-PCR
marker.Rebenzüchtertagung Geisenheim
- Konradi, J., Forneck,
A., Blaich, R. 2001: Zur genetischen Struktur von Burgunderreben (V. vinifera
cv. Burgunder). Jahrestagung des Forschungsrings des deutschen Weinbaus (FDW)
in Bad Kreuznach 28.-29.3.2001.
- Forneck, A.; Kleinmann,
S.; Blaich, R. 2001: Interaction of root-feeding Phylloxera (Daktulosphaira
vitifoliae Fitch) with Grape (Vitis vinifera L.): a histochemical
approach. International Phylloxera Symposium in Geisenheim, Germany 27.-28.8.2001.
- Fader, B.; Forneck,
A.; Walker, M.A.; Blaich, R. 2001: In vitro studies of Phylloxera (Daktulosphaira
vitifoliae Fitch) Performance on Vitis species. Workshop: Rootstocks Performance
in Phylloxera infested Vineyards. 26.-28.8.2001. Geisenheim, Germany.
- Wöhrle, A.; Forneck,
A. 2001: Approaching a synthetic diet for phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae
Fitch). Workshop: Rootstocks Performance in Phylloxera infested Vineyards.
26.-28.8.2001. Geisenheim, Germany.
- Forneck, Astrid: Molekulare
aus und für die Klonen- und Erhaltungszüchtung? Seminar für
Erhaltungszüchter der Zentralstelle für Klonenselektion. Fachbereich
Rebenzüchtung, Alzey, 14.2.2002.
- Konradi, J., Forneck,
A., Blaich, R. 2002: 100 Spätburgunderklone im AFLP-Marker Screening:
Erste Ergebnisse. Jahrestagung des Forschungsrings des deutschen Weinbaus
(FDW) in Geisenheim 17.-18.4.2002.
- Specht, C., Forneck,
A., Blaich, R., Beiderbek, 2002: Genetische Variation von grauem und weißen
Burgunder, Auxerrois und Chardonnay mittels SSR- und ISSR-Marker Analyse.
Jahrestagung des Forschungsrings des deutschen Weinbaus (FDW) in Geisenheim
- Dürr-Auster, S.,
Forneck, A., Martinez-Torres, D., Blaich, R. 2002: Über endosymbiotische
Mikroorganismen in Rebläusen (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch).
Jahrestagung des Forschungsrings des deutschen Weinbaus (FDW) in Geisenheim
- Forneck, A., Blaich,
R., Konradi, J. 2002: Genetic variation among and within grapevine clones
of V. vinifera GMELIN. Joint Royal Entomological Socciety and the Linnean
Society Meeting on Intraclonal and genetic variation: ecological and evolutionary
aspects. 11-12th April, London.
- Forneck, A., Walker,
M.A., Schreiber, A., Blaich, R., Schumann, F. 2002: Genetic diversity in Vitis
vinifera ssp. sylvestris GMELIN from Europe, the Middle East and north
Africa. International Conference on Grape Genetics and Breeding. 25-31th August,
Kescemet, Hungary.